Friday, September 17, 2010

This post may make me sound insane.

But how many of my posts make me look not insane? Answer: zero.

Note: this blog may contain Harry Potter Spoilers, so if you don't want to be Spoiled, don't read on.

I was reading the other day, most like on Wikipedia, or some other such credible source, that wizard children aren't required to go to muggle school previous to attending Hogwarts. I've always kind of wondered about this. Mostly because of how Mr. Weasley acts and how pure blooded wizards seem so out of the loop when it comes to muggle things.

Because I'm Deanna, I was thinking about this, and about how my future children with Fred Weasley (*cough* I'm not insane *cough*) or, you know other wizard children, would be raised.

In reading Harry Potter, and mostly seeing Mr. Weasley, I think it may be important for children of wizarding families to have some kind of muggle education. It's up to grade 5 or 6 I believe. I think that it would be good for wizard children to know the basics of the muggle world. I mean, there isn't much purely wizarding world left, really. Well that we know of in 1998. Only certain towns (right?) so most likely wizard children are going to grow up around muggles. Wouldn't it be a good idea to let wizard children and muggle children learn the basics together, then went school starts to get harder and more specialized then you send your kid to Hogwarts, or whatever.

I love Mr. Weasley, but I don't want my children to be like him, you know, all fascinated with the muggle world because they never got to live in it or explore it.

Wow, I'm completely insane.

Today is awesome because sometime next week there is going to be a SKYPE PARTY!!

Books read 38
Last Finished- MockingJay.
If you haven't read it READ IT


  1. I've always wondered where they learned stuff! I mean, they had to learn to read and write, and surely not all of them were homeschooled.

  2. Everything you said makes perfect sense actually. As Maggie said above, I've always wondered where they learned to read. I'd assume their parents would teach them, but what if their parents sucked at it? Yeah idk. I am just as insane as you clearly.
