Tuesday, November 2, 2010


*walks in slowly* *waves* *smiles awkwardly*
I know, it seems as if I've been avoiding you, or leaving you alone for far too long. I'm sorry, but it's November now, and you know what that means? You guessed it I'll be writing blogs instead of my NaNoWriMo novel! Because I'm really bad at not procrastinating.

I'm just over 2100 right now, which isn't too bad for day one. I have to keep on top of this and write extra on Tuesdays if I want to get stuff done, but I'm so easily distracted.

I could stare at that for like, two hours five minutes.

Did I tell you I've started watching Doctor Who? I think most of the people that read this blog follow me on twitter, or know me in real life, so they know, but I feel like sharing anyway. I freaking LOVE this show. I have no idea why I didn't start watching it before, I mean I was told about it when I was in high school, I should have started watching then. I'm still watching that gif btw as I'm typing. 

What has happened in my life since I last blogged. It was my birthday on Wednesday, I'm know the unimportant age of 24, I went to a concert, OH OH OH I MADE A FRIEND!!!! We go out on Thursdays! I have STANDING PLANS. You don't even know. *does I have a friend dance* And she's a nerd, and she loves Harry Potter, AND she watches Doctor Who, although she hasn't seen the any other Doctor but Matt Smith, and I'm not sure if I like him yet, but it's only been three episodes. I'm pretty sure I hate Amy though. We have plans to watch Buffy together, and and and possibly Dexter. I love having nerdy friends. My old friend, she wouldn't have done things like that with me.

I should show you my Halloween Costumes.
Marty McFly

Random Slytherin person Or Ginny Weasley if you're a person who came to the Epping Wal-Mart.

I still need my Harry Potter tickets.

Today is awesome because I found that gif. OMG.

Books Read 37.
I know I suck, still reading the Book Thief.


  1. You hate Amy? I LOVE Amy! Also, Matt Smith is amazing! To be fair, it did take me a whole season to COMPLETELY fall in love with them and stop missing Tennant. Just curious, though, why do you hate Amy?
