Monday, January 10, 2011

BOW 11 #2 The internet has made me a nerd*

*No it hasn't, but it greatly helped in the process of me accepting the fact that I was never going to be a "cool person." Not that I ever wanted to be a cool person, well, I did, but I knew there was a very slim chance of this happening, and now I'm rambling. I'm rambling in a blog post.


I have recently come to the realization that I would not be who I am without the internet. The internet has enhanced my nerd-ness, without this marvelous creation I, honestly have no idea who I would be. Since I'm an old person, at least, you know, compared to most of the people that read this, at 24, I didn't have internet in my house until 7th grade, LATE 7th grade, but honestly, I wasn't a big internet person until I was in college, like my junior year of college.

Now, I started reading Harry Potter when I was 11/12 ish. 1998 or 1999, I loved the books, lived by them, but I became a full fledged Harry Potter is the most important thing to have ever happened in the history of ever person until I got into the fandom on the internet, like a year and a half ago about the time I watched AVPM for the first time. It was with that play that I realized there were people like me. Actual living breathing people like me who loved Harry Potter like I loved Harry Potter, and there wasn't anything wrong with that. I believed them to me a myth, these people like me. My friends all thought I was a freak, that I took the books too seriously, no one understood. Until I saw Darren Criss sitting on that suitcase at the beginning of AVPM, I figured I would never find "my people" (you know what I mean by that, you guys basically).

But the Harry Potter Fandom was just what opened the door.

If you've been following this blog for a while, or happen to be following me on Twitter, you know that I recently "discovered" Doctor Who (I was told to watch this show when I was in high school, but never did. It was not until my internet friends pushed me that why that I did).  This show, OMG this show. I would not have ever thought to watch it, without the internet, now, I feel like I have no idea what my life was without it. That fandom is fairly intertwined with the Harry Potter fandom, at least, in my experience, with my group of friends. It's been fun to be a part of something, like it with people. People I may not know, people who can't sit in the same room as me and watch it, but still, they're watching it with me, from wherever they are.

It is through this internet, mainly Tumblr, Tumblr has A LOT to do with how much of freak I am, really (I say "freak" I mean "awesome"). I got netflix because of Tumblr, mostly to watch Doctor Who, and SKINS (SKINS! OMG why isn't American TV a faction as awesome as British Television?) and because I have the subscription I might as well watch, well, everything. So now I'm watching Merlin, and tomorrow I'm going to buy the Arthur legend book, because I get confused easily (and everything I know about the Arthur legend is from the Disney Movie "The Sword and the Stone," and Disney movies aren't exactly known for their accuracy in story telling.). It's so interesting!

I used to think myself as a relatively "normal" person with a slightly "unhealthy" obessession with a children's book, but slowly, recently I've discovered who I'm supposed to be. I kind of wish I had gotten into the internet sooner, like when my friends did. That I had been into youtube earlier, started watching the vlogbrother sooner, learned who I was sooner.

But hey, isn't that what you're early twenties are for? Finding yourself?

today is awesome because I have the awesomest friends in the world, IRL and in this box I type things into.

Books read: 1
Just finished reading: Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu
3 out of 5 Stars


  1. I feel the same way sometimes. I often wish I'd discovered YouTube and nerdfighteria sooner than I did. Because I came to it so late, I sometimes feel like an outsider, but I know most of the people who have been there for a long time probably felt the same way at one point or another, so that helps.

    Of course, I've been on the internet for as long as I can remember. And I've been a part of the online Harry Potter fandom (in the form of RPGs and fanfiction) for as long as I've been on the internet. So I was always aware that I wasn't the only overly-obsessed person on the planet. Plus, I had my sister, who was almost as into it as I was.

  2. So, I started to post a comment on this, but it actually grew to the size of a fairly lengthy blog post. So you might see it posted on my actual blog instead. But I completely relate to everything you said. DFTBA.

  3. I completely relate to everything you're saying. I've been a big part of fandom and the Internet since I was about 13 or so, so I kind of grew up knowing that there were beautiful, wonderful nerdy people out there just like me. It wasn't until relatively recently that I met people like that offline, so the Internet was a huge comfort to me when I was a kid, because people like me DID EXIST. SOMEWHERE. I wasn't totally alone.

    So yes. I am wholeheartedly with you on this. :)
