Monday, January 11, 2010


I recently uploaded a video to youtube ( about connections. Basically it's about how, because of the lack of Internet in the apa
rtment, I've been thinking about how there are screens between human connections.

When I was a senior in high school, in my mass media and communications class, we did a social experiment where each of the kids in the class avoided media completely for two days, and satuated themselves with media for a day. Basically, in my video I call upon anyone that sees the video to try it out this project for a day. For me this day will be tomorrow.

In case you are intersted in joining me in the media avoidance day these are the "rules" to media avoidance. They are the same ones for the sidebar of the video.

The Rules:(because there has to be rules)

1. Spend one day writing down what a normal day looks like media wise. I will be doing this in my blog today.

2. The next day, avoid all forms of media. This includes but is not limited to:
-the computer
What is allowed:
-cell phones (for calling purposes only)
- School and work purpose computer use. (just don't hope on facebook while doing that research paper)

3. Document the day, write down what you're feeling and what you do to replace media in our life.

You can answer these questions if you wish
-What am I doing in place of being on the computer (watching tv, etc)
-Do I feel more connected to the people around me?
-(If your friends are not particapating) Do they help or hinder the expirement?

4. Tell me about it. (ok, you don't have to do this one, but I would really like to hear about if you decide to join me.)

I'm going to post a blog in about an hour that has my regular day with media, since I don't have the internet regularly, it's easier for me to just list everything out before I leave Barnes and Noble today.
today is awesome becase I think that this will be different, and I hope people will do it with me.

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