Friday, February 6, 2009


I went to lunch today, as I do everyday. But today there was a tour of 6th and seventh graders. Normally there's at least high school kids that understand the laws of lines and how soda fountain work. But no, today there were 12 year olds in the college cafeteria.

Why on Earth would a 12 year old want to go on a college tour. When I was 12 the most important thing in my life was Zac Hanson and whether or not there was ice cream in my parents fridge. College didn't even seem important until after my junior year of high school, which admittedly is late, but sixth grade is far too early.

These middle schoolers that I was forced to stand behind to get pizza this afternoon couldn't even form sentences. "He was like hey, and I was like OMG and like." is not a sentence.

THEN there was a group of girls all in pastel AE sweatshirts that were bouncing, bouncing up and down in one of booths. I know that they have most likely never sat on a patted bench before, but didn't their teachers explain to them that they were going to a college where they have to act like humans for an hour or so.

Please tell me I was not that ridiculous when I was in middle school.

In other news, there is a bounce house and rock wall in the gym after dinner today!!! WOOT!

1 comment:

  1. ok.. so i literally laughed out loud: "When I was 12 the most important thing in my life was Zac Hanson and whether or not there was ice cream in my parents fridge".

    and feel bad for me.. I used to give those poor children tours of the school :)
