Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A little bit okay

I guess I’m doing a little bit better than I was Monday.

Tuesday has always been a weird day for me, especially during the summer. The regular part of the day is always crazy long with anticipation. Yesterday, however, was kind of fun at work. Today, also, has been fairly entertaining, but it also 7:40 in the morning. It could go down hill from here (crosses fingers that it doesn't because it was nice not to cry myself to sleep.).

I got to hang out with My Boss most of the day, she’s horribly sunburned, and although it is not funny to her, it’s mildly hilarious to me. The only uncool about hanging out with her is the location of her desk, but that, of course isn’t her fault, and she doesn’t know.

My Boss says the most amazing things like, “I was wearing a slutty dress, like one of those girls that doesn’t know they have to also wear pants.”

Speaking of pantless-ness, I wore a long button down shirt (from the Taylor Swift collection) and shorts yesterday and it looked like I wasn't wearing pants. But I was, and I felt the need to tell people that I was, so that they didn't think I was one of those girls that was unware that they were supposed to actually wear pants. And when I told Georgie she said "It's okay you don't have to wear pants with a dress."

My horoscope yesterday said something about not facebook stalking people, and that if my friends encourage it, then they are not really my friends, and I need to un-friend the person I’m f-book stalking. This was creepy, I’m not currently stalking, but I plan to. So, it was like a warning not to. (literally having an inter-office aim convo with her about facebook stalking.)

STF was pretty awesome. It always is, but this the class performed. They were really good. My favorite part was when the suggestion was “podiatrist” and High School English teacher asked it the guy knew what that was, and the New Guy said. “That’s the thing with kids right?” and the guy behind me, who I’m pretty sure knew the actor, yelled, “Not that’s a pedophile!” (LOLZ)

My second favorite was when I dropped my phone and High School English Teacher picked it up and said, “Clearly you are not to be trusted with this.” NOTE this man allowed us to call each other during class.

I also enjoyed “cat sluttyness” and the “smouch.” There is always something awkwardly hilarious about High School English Teacher being told to lick other members of the group by Wellington, and practicing on his hand. I do wish that High School English Teacher and BP danced during the Robot Prom. That would have made some AWESOME. I took some pictorial evidence of this event, it will be on Facebook, and probs in my Sassy Vid tonight (


Today is awesome because I love My Boss. And I got an email from Georgies cousin saying he could see me. (I don't know why this is awesome, but it made me laugh and laughing is what I need)

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