Saturday, April 25, 2009

THE LORAX by Dr. Seuss

This morning was our play. But before I tell you about that, I'm going to tell you about what happened yesterday.

As I'm sure you know, the day before the play is almost more important than the actual play. So Video Game Boy and I, along with Noelles our narrator, were waiting in our rehearsal space (which BTW is the middle of the main lobby of the second floor of my dorm hall, which is normally used as a study lounge), waiting for our Lorax to show up.

When she finally does, she's not even close to ready to practice, and say "I'm going to the circus. But if you need me call. I'll be back around 11." Then she leaves.

In my head I'm thinking: "Really, of all things you could be doing right now, you're going to the freakin' circus." But outwardly I smiled.

You can't exactly do run throughs of THE LORAX by Dr. Seuss without THE LORAX!!

While complaining, I watched Georgie play Pokemon Snap on VGB's Nintendo for like 3 hours.

I would also like you to know that Georgie, Thursday, and Jenjen came up around the time of the "I'm going to the circus." situation.

We then went to AppleBees with Keith, OR, the mustached one, and his Fiancee the nurse, at like 10:30.

I would also like you to know that we had this plan for like 3 weeks.

While we were waiting to be seated by the most adorable gay guy ever ;) The Lorax texts me. It reads "I'm waiting in the lobby when you're ready."

So I reply: "Umm, yea I'm at Applebees with all my friends, rehearsals were at 6."

And she said. "SAY WHAT!?!"

To which I replied. "Yeah, we've only known I was going out with my friends since March, we found out about the 'circus' a minute before you left. And VGB went to bed at 9:30."

Needless to say, it was MY fault we didn't get to rehearse, because I went to the circus the day before the play.

Applebees was awesome. That's all I'm going to say about it.

Then we all played Life and went to bed at like 3, because that's what people that have to get up at 6:30 to pack two cars with cardboard boxes and teddy bears does.

Our play this morning went along wonderfully!!!

Except the middle truffula tree fell over in the beginning.

We even made a little kid cry, and yell "Don't crop down the trees!!" It was adorable. We even get to be in the newspaper tomorrow!!

After that The Sassy Ladies (our youtube collab channel girls) went to the boat launch and listened to music before the girls had to take off. All and all awesome day.

And that is the end of the story.

Today is awesome because we didn't scare any little kids with the Once-ler, and we got to plant sunflowers with 4 year olds :)

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